
how to draw fashion


  1. I must admit I absolutley love what you have created here. It is truly Amazing, to be honest.
    I am also in love with the 60's inspired style it reminds me of the beautiful Audrey Hepburn.

    You have such great skill and I was hoping you would be able to give me tips of how to draw so professionally and precise like you have done above, thats if you dont mind.
    My email is: nikita_395@hotmail.com

  2. These are from an instruction book. All book pages can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/milliemotts/sets/72157606392722945/

  3. I find it strange that your blog includes a message limiting what you want people to do with the images... But you've ignored copyright laws and posted the full content of this book here and on your Flickr account, even though the book's copyright hasn't expired.
